Catalog and Student Handbook 2023
Catalog and Student Handbook 2023 (printable pdf)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2022
Catalog and Student Handbook 2022 (printable pdf)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2022 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2021
Catalog and Student Handbook 2021 (printable pdf)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2020
Catalog and Student Handbook 2020 (printable PDF)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2020 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2019 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2019 (Printable PDF)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2019 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2018 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2018 (Printable PDF)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2018 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2017 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2017 (Printable PDF)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2017 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2016 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2016 (Printable PDF)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2016 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2015 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2015 (Printable PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2014 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2014 (Printable PDF)
Review list of all addendum/changes for the 2014-2015 catalog
Catalog and Student Handbook 2013 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2012 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2011 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2010 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2009 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2008 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2007 (Interactive PDF)
Catalog and Student Handbook 2006
Catalog and Student Handbook 2005
Catalog and Student Handbook 2004
Out of concern for the environment, Greenville Technical College no longer prints a catalog, instead providing the information online.
The catalog and student handbook are for information only and do not constitute a contract. The college reserves the right to change, modify or alter, without notice, all fees, charges, tuition, expenses, and costs of any kind; or any statement, written or verbal, in accordance with unforeseen conditions. The rules, regulations and policies in this catalog and student handbook are based on present conditions and are subject to change without notice. Further, the college can add or delete without notice any course offerings or information contained in the catalog. Additional specific academic information may be obtained from an academic advisor and/or counselor.
To request access to a printed archived catalog, or to catalogs prior to 2007, please visit the Student Records Office. Requests for printed course descriptions can be made by emailing the Student Records Office at
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